Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Here are some of the others.......


Anonymous said...

Theres a simple fascination about balloons.

"I have something that floats, I'm holding something that will go higher than I can imagine...maybe I'll reach there some day, or maybe its because we all go there some day.

Maybe someone, somewhere will see it."

"Should I let go of this when they ask me?"

Anonymous said...

Put your weapons down? Disarming the Police would get my every time.
Then get rid of guns in the army, get rid of guns in the criminal fraternity....if fact.....get rid of all the guns on the planet THEN we might have a chance....

Kollaborators said...

We like that thought!

Get rid of ALL the guns...yes.

But remember its not the guns that kill people: its people that kill people.

Anonymous said...

It's people with guns who shoot people. People without guns don't have bullets coming out of their index fingers when they say "bang".

It would be good if no one felt the need for lethal or crippling weapons.

Kollaborators said...

Perhaps this is getting at the underlying question:

"Why do people feel the need to own and carry and use lethal and crippling weapons in the first place?"

Anonymous said...

Er... To protect themselves or for revenge, surely.

Peckham resident

Kollaborators said...

Or posturing, crime, habit, peer pressure...all these things and more...