1. Write a reply to the letter/TAG that you found answering the question "What Would Your Neighborhood Be Like Without Weapons?. Does your neighborhood have this problem in your country? What are your thoughts on the response that is already writen on your TAG?
2. Post your reply and the original TAG back to the address on the bottom of the TAG: PYWD, Peckham Program, Sumner House, Sumner road, London, SE15 5QS
3. When we get your reply we will put it up on the PYWD Blog with the original TAG.
4. Write comments on the dialogue on line by adding to the COMMENTS on the PYWD Blog.
Put Your Weapons Down is a project by Kollaborators art group for the "Put Your Weapons Down For Life" event organised by Eternal Life Support Centre and Peckham SAFE at the Damilola Taylor Centre.
Kollaborators art group are 4 artists working with 'Issues of the Day' to realise new dialogues and creative actions between diverse audiences and communities. They have worked closely with youth projects across the UK for the past 10 years and are based in Peckham, London.
This project is commissioned by Southwark Council - I Love Peckham and the Peckham Program.
Please Make A Comment:
Add your thoughts to any of the TAGS using the COMMENTS button below it.
This is only 20% of the completed TAGS, we will upload more in the next few days....
Contact Kollaborators:
E.mail dimitrilaunder@hotmail.com
Please put PYWD in the title box.
Hello i write you from germany in NRW i have found a letter but this letter i found issenĀ“t on this page wat must i do now ?
Great news! Where did you find it?
Okay so now:
1. Write a reply to the letter/TAG that you found answering the question "What Would Your Neighborhood Be Like Without Weapons?. Does your neighborhood have this problem in your country? What are your thoughts on the response that is already writen on your TAG?
2. Post your reply and the original TAG back to the address on the bottom of the TAG: PYWD, Peckham Program, Sumner House, Sumner road, London, SE15 5QS
3. When we get your reply we will put it up on the PYWD Blog with the original TAG.
4. Write comments on the dialogue on line by adding to the COMMENTS on the PYWD Blog.
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